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Pre-procedure Instructions for Permanent Makeup
When scheduling an appointment date for a permanent makeup procedure, keep in mind the healing time of the procedure. You will need a few days afterward without social plans or strenuous activity. You may not look your best (swelling, oozing, & looks like wet paint) so plan activities around the house.
Plan a shopping trip ahead of time for items you will need: ointments, straws, napkins for blotting, Q-tips, OTC pain reliever, prescriptions, a good book or movies. Get ahead on your dirty work – no lawn mowing or chores that will get dirt/ bacteria on the healing area.
Do not have a procedure right before going on vacation because:
1) You need healing time – you will not look like you had a makeover at the mall,
2) You may not be able to avoid sun, wind, or other items listed in post-care instructions,
3) If you have a question or permanent makeup problem it would be best to be near your permanent makeup artist and local physician.
Do not wear your good clothes for the procedure because pigment might splatter on them. Pigment washes out of most clothes, but better safe than sorry. Wear something comfortable.
Patients on prescription medications should check with their doctor regarding interactions, especially those on heart medications or blood thinners. Some medications and herbs can increase swelling and bleeding. Never discontinue a medication your doctor has recommended for you without consulting him or her. Consult with your doctor to see if you can go off these medications for 24 hours prior to the procedure. If not, then permanent makeup is not recommended. The same goes for alcohol. These things can cause excessive bleeding which will result in poor color retention. *NO CAFFINE ATLEAST 4 HOURS PRIOR*
Antihistamines like Benadryl taken before the procedure may reduce swelling and help you relax. Benadryl also helps eyes not be so watery during eyeliner procedures. Watery eyes can dilute the pigment that is being implanted.
* Do not wear contact lens during the procedure or for 24 hrs after.
* Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive.
* Do not dye or perm lashes for 2 days prior.
* Do not use eyelash curler the day of the procedure.
*Do not use lash growth serum for two weeks before or after your procedure
* If you have had any type of eye surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure. Most physicians are giving a 2 month ok after cataract, lasik, and blepharoplasty.
* Do not tweeze, wax, or dye brows for 2 days prior.
* Electrolysis should not be done for a week prior.
* If you are prone to getting cold sores, you will need an antiviral prescription. Physician usually instructs to begin taking it 3 days before procedure, for a 7-10 day course.
* If you have had any type of lip surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent makeup procedure on the lips. If the lip surgery involves an incision (like a lip implant), the incision needs to mature about 6 months before tattooing on top of it.
* Fillers: most physicians are giving a 3 week ok after lip filler injections like collagen or Restylane. Ask your permanent makeup artist and your doctor about timetables for procedures.
* Oral prosthesis dentures/ partials/ braces and tongue piercing bars may increase risk of getting bacterial and/or fungal infection from the mouth to the lips. Denture wearers generally carry a higher candida/ yeast count.
* Frequent or recent sinus infection puts lips at risk of infection. Recent antibiotic therapy can be responsible for a high candida count. Steroid medications and antacid drugs can allow candida to overpopulate. Smokers tend to have a high count also. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
It is imperative to follow all pre- and post-procedure instructions!
Pre and Post Procedure care is so important. If you have any questions please ask.
phone: 253.559.0749
Your permanent cosmetic procedure was performed using sterile, single-use needle and high quality pigments. The end result of your procedure depends greatly on following this aftercare protocol. Please follow the instructions below unless otherwise instructed by a physician.
Immediately after the procedure your eyebrows will appear to be too dark, too thick and will have an unnatural appearance. Relax! And don’t worry, within one to two weeks the color will fade and they will become more natural looking. It is only after healing is complete that you will be able to fully appreciate your new eyebrows. At that time you may even think they are too light; if that is the case we can correct it during a “touch-up” session. On average you will lose 20% to 40% of the initial color.
Brows may oxidize and actually get slightly darker before the color softens in the healing process. Don’t worry, this is normal, they will lighten!
You may wax or tweeze brow area before a brow tattoo to help clean up and design your brow placement, but do not resume any method of hair removal for at least 2 weeks after your new brows have been tattooed.
If you donate blood, it is a Red Cross policy that you must wait one year after any tattooing procedure.
The day of your procedure:
Every hour, wash area with a clean cool wet cloth. Use a fresh q-tip to apply Aquafor ointment, flip it and wipe off excess. You only need a light coat of ointment as a barrier so the skin can also breathe.
For the next 7 to 10 days:
Wash area with cool wet cloth – no soaps – and apply Aquafor ointment two to three times a day, do not let your brows get dry & crusty. It is absolutely imperative that you do not let the brow area dry out, as this will create dryness and scabbing, resulting in the loss of color and shading. It is best to apply the ointment approximately 3-4 times a day for 7 to 10 days. Always use a fresh Q-tip with each application of ointment; this will reduce the risk of a secondary infection. Be sure to put ointment on right before you go to bed at night, first thing when you wake up in the morning and one to two more times during the day. Itching is also common but do not rub your eyebrow area or pick at it if it starts to peel and flake, if you notice a little lifting of color, apply ointment again and let it fall off naturally.
Some swelling, redness, tenderness and itching is normal and is to be expected.
Do not wear any makeup for at least 5 days on or around your brow area.
Do not take hot showers or baths and avoid heavy exercise, saunas, and hot tubs, as this can cause the color to sweat out of the skin.
Avoid tanning beds, sun, pools, any bodies of water, direct water pressure and all creams around the brow.
Do not pick or rub the area.
Don’t touch with fingers. Stay away from dirt (gardening or sport activities) to prevent possible infections.
Do not use Retin A, Retinol A, Renova or products that contain AHA’s, or similar lightening products on the procedure area (Glycolic, Lactic Acids etc). These products will fade your pigment color prematurely.
Always wear a powerful sunscreen when in the sun, use a SPF30 or higher, on your brows. Hair strokes and lighter colors will fade faster than a solid brow fill. Fading is also dependent on your aftercare, your skin’s age and its ability to retain color. Although it is permanent, your color will fade over time. You must do your part to ensure long lasting results by proper follow up and care.
VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER – the most important thing to remember is to constantly keep the ointment on your brows for at least 5 days, you WILL lose a lot of your color if you don’t do this!
Color Corrections of another artist’s work usually take more visits.
Your permanent cosmetic procedure was performed using a sterile single-use needle and high quality pigments. The end result of your procedure depends greatly on following this aftercare protocol. If you allow your eyeliner to dry out during the first few days you stand the chance of losing all or much of your eyeliner color. Please follow the instructions below unless otherwise instructed by a physician.
Don’t be alarmed at how dark the color looks right after the application. The final result will be lighter than it first appears. During the first two weeks some pigment may drop out or appear like it is flaking off, you will lose about 20% to 40% of your color. This is normal and can be filled in on the follow up touch up visit in about 4 to 6 weeks. You may not come in sooner for a touch up. Touch up done before 4 to 6 weeks will cause the skin to be overworked and scarring may develop. Everyone’s skin is different. Some people may lose more color then others. This is normal and means that the color will need to be adjusted to a darker color.
Do not wear contact lenses for at least 48 hours following the procedure.
If you donate blood, it is a Red Cross policy that you must wait one year after any tattooing procedure.
The day of the procedure:
Every hour, wash area with a clean cool wet cloth. Use a fresh q-tip to apply Aquafor ointment, flip it and wipe off excess. You only need a light coat of ointment as a barrier so the skin can also breathe.
No make up today!
Eyes may be swollen and tender, this can last for a few days. Don’t worry about the swelling, your eyes will become much less swollen within a couple of hours with normal activity. You can do two, 10 minute ice packs today to help with swelling.
** In the morning, after cleaning, apply a 10 minute ice pack. They will be the most swollen and crusty the morning after the procedure.
For the next 7 – 10 days:
It’s very important to keep your eyes moist at all times with Aquafor ointment. It is absolutely imperative that you do not let the eyeliner area dry out, as this will create dryness and scabbing, resulting in the loss of color and shading. It is best to apply the ointment approximately 3-4 times a day. Always use a fresh Q-tip with each application of ointment; this will reduce the risk of a secondary infection. (Remember to wipe off excess.) Be sure to put ointment on right before you go to bed at night, first thing when you wake up in the morning after cleaning and one to two more times during the day. Itching is also common but do not rub your eyes or pick at the eyeliner, if you notice a little lifting of color, let it fall off naturally.
Do put ointment on eyeliner area right before you shower or wash your face to help protect the area from soap and water. Then put ointment on again after you dry your face. Don’t use soap or cleansing products around your eyes, use Aquafor to remove eye makeup.
**All makeup used AROUND NOT ON the eyeliner must be NEW and bacteria free!! Old makeup can cause an infection. Make sure you have a thin coat of Aquafor on before you apply ANY makeup to create a barrier.
Do wear sunglasses when in the sun in order to protect the fresh color for the first two weeks.
Avoid tanning beds, the sun, pools, hot tubs, and any bodies of water, direct water pressure and all creams around the eye for two weeks.
Do not dye, perm, or use an eyelash curler for 2 weeks.
Do not take hot showers or baths and avoid heavy exercise, saunas, and hot tubs, as this will cause the color to sweat out of the skin.
Don’t touch with fingers. Stay away from dirt (gardening or sport activities) to prevent possible infections.
Your permanent cosmetic procedure was performed using a sterile single-use needle and high quality pigments. The end result of your procedure depends greatly on following this aftercare protocol. Please follow the instructions below unless otherwise instructed by a physician.
Pigment will look very dark and bright right after the procedure. Color will fade and soften 50%-75% in about 2 weeks.
If you donate blood, it is a Red Cross policy that you must wait one year after any tattooing procedure.
There may be some swelling in the area and it will subside within 48 to 72 hours or less. Ice the area if necessary.
You will experience redness, tenderness, itchiness and/or burning, which will subside over time.
Some pigment may drop out all together or look like it is flaking off; this can be filled in on the follow up visit in about 4 to 6 weeks. You may not come in sooner for a touch up. Touch up done before 4 to 6 weeks will cause the skin to be overworked and scarring may develop. Everyone’s skin is different. Some people may lose more color than others. This is normal and means that the color will need to be adjusted to a darker color.
Do keep lips clean and moist, use a clean cool wet cotton round to wipe lips. Apply a generous amount of Aquafor as many times as necessary during the day to keep lips moist. Apply only with a q-tip. DO NOT USE FINGERS.
Don’t rub, scratch or pick the area and try and keep makeup away from the lips for about a week after the procedure.
If you are having your lips tattooed and you are prone to cold sores, you should be on your medication 5 days before your procedure and 5 days after your procedure. Keep your lips moist for 4 weeks with your sealant, they will feel dry at first but, this will pass. The color will come and go as the collagen fibers come to heal the lips and the natural exfoliating process has occurred. It is normal not to see how much color was achieved until 4 weeks have passed. Avoid spicy and salty foods. Be careful to keep lips sealed when washing your face or brushing your teeth.
Avoid the sun as much as you can especially the first week. The sun fades permanent makeup. After a week a sun protection moisturizer, balm or chap stick can be worn to protect the color.
Don’t take hot showers or baths and avoid heavy exercise, saunas, and hot tubs for 10 days because this will cause the color to sweat out of the skin. Apply an extra coat of Aquafor before washing the face, bathing or showering. This will protect the healing area from bacteria, soap and other debris or particles. Always try and wash around the treated area.
Don’t pick or peel off any scabbing or flaking, let it gently come off on its own.
Don’t use any acidic or exfoliating products. Keep away from the area at all times (Retin-A, Glycolic, or hyaluronic acid, etc). This may lighten and slowly remove the color.
Don’t touch with fingers. Stay away from dirt (gardening or sport activities) to prevent possible infections.
Color Corrections of another artist’s work usually take more visits.
Permanent makeup is permanent wherever it is tattooed because the pigment remains in the skin. However, the color of your permanent makeup will be semi-permanent. It will require some maintenance because it will fade over the years. How quickly your color fades depends on several factors: Following after care instructions, UV exposure (sun or tanning beds), skin care treatments, health conditions, medications, lifestyle (e.g., smoking), and the original color implanted (lighter colors fade faster than darker ones). Many people schedule a “refresher” visit every few years to refresh their pigment color
Due to COVID-19 all appointments need to be made by call or text to 253.559.0749